



Possible Duplicate:
Getting Started With Programming PICs (or similar products)

I want to learn pic microcontroller and want to write programs in both ASM language and C language , which is the best place to start ? any resources would be help full , books , links , audio , video would be helpfull ? also can i find any microcontroller projects ?


Best thing would be to concentrate on a particular Microcontroller like PIC 16f877 and go through its data sheet and application notes. You can find all particulars in Microchip websites.

However this link must provide you with some fundamentals.

If you want tutorials specific to using MPLAB IDE and PIC programming this should be a very good start.


You could look at the Microchip starter kit from Farnell

(An important thing to note is that while the kit comes with a 14 pin socket it will program bigger chips such as the 20 pin 16F690)

The HI-TECH C compiler has a free version which is superb.

David Sykes

I would look for a simulator, mplab used to have one, I have not used a pic in quite a while so dont know what is there. Actually writing your own simulator is about as good as you might get learning the instruction set. These days I would probably go to opencores and see if there is a clone and run that using icarus verilog, and use gtkwave to look at what happened. Much more fun (and educational) than a debugger or blinking leds. The hardware sim is likely to be less forgiving and more hardware like than a software only simulator. Normally I would start at when looking for an entry level eval board.
