



Which documentation generator would people recommend for C# work? What are the pros and cons of each?

Suggestions for a third option are also welcome :-)

+1  A: 

I have not used Doxygen but I have used Sandcastle which I found to be alright. The output formats are both fine and you can customise the final result endlessly just by tweaking (or creating you own) xml/xslt configuration files. There are also options for high lighting (or not) missing code comments.

Dan Iveson
+2  A: 

I did not use Doxygen, but I think it is primarily used in unmanaged C++ projects. For C# I would strongly suggest Sandcastle in combination with Sandcastle Help File Builder ( The Sandcastle Help File Builder has a very powerful GUI that allows you to tweak all aspects of Sandcastle help file generation. You can generate help files with a click in the Builder GUI. It also saves all settings in a standard MSBuild file, so you can integrate the generation of help files into your build process very easily.

Boris Mesetovic