I used the 2D array approach and achieved the enormous performance boost!!.
Previously I used the cell-by-cell aprroach as shown below,
Dim cell As Excel.Range = Nothing
cell = sheet.Cells(rowIndex, colIndex)
cell.Value = "Some value"
I used to iterate over a range of cells and used to copy the value in each cell.
Here every sheet.Cells
and cell.Value
is an interop call and for every call it gives call to the Excel.exe, which costs more time.
In 2D approach I have filled the data, which is to be copied in Excel cells, in 2D array and then assigned the 2D array to the value of the selected reange of cells. It is as shown below,
Dim darray(recordCount - 1, noOfCol - 1) As String
//Fill the data in darray
//startPosRange = Get the range of cell from where to start writing data
startPosRange = startPosRange.Resize(recordCount, noOfCol)
startPosRange.Value = darray
After these modifications, I gathered the performance data for both the approaches and results are surprisingly great!!. The later approach is 25 times as fast as previous one.
Similarly, I have used the 2D array approach for reading data from cells and seen the similar performance boost. Code samples are as shown below.
Cell-by-cell approach,
Dim usedRange As Excel.Range = sheet.UsedRange
For Each row As Excel.Range In usedRange.Rows()
For Each cellData As Excel.Range In row.Cells
//Gather cellData.Value in some container.
2D array approach,
Dim usedRange As Excel.Range = sheet.UsedRange
//Here the array index starts from 1. why???
Dim darray(,) As Object = CType(usedRange.Value, Object(,))
Dim rows As Integer = darray.GetUpperBound(0)
Dim cols As Integer = darray.GetUpperBound(1)
For i As Integer = 1 To rows
For j As Integer = 1 To cols
Dim str As String
If darray(i, j) Is Nothing Then
str = ""
str = darray(i, j).ToString
End If
//Use value of str
Please refer, , (thanks ChickSentMeHighE for the link)
Enjoy the performance!!!