I'm reading the documentation about DetachedCriteria. The documentation clearly shows that setting an alias for your projection is optional. However, whenever I omit the alias my model properties contain no data. Here are my two test models.
public class Incident : ActiveRecordBase<Incident>
[PrimaryKey(PrimaryKeyType.Native, "INCIDENT_ID", ColumnType = "Int32")]
public virtual int IncidentId { get; set; }
[Property("CREATION_DATETIME", ColumnType = "DateTime")]
public virtual DateTime? CreationDatetime { get; set; }
public virtual Cause Cause { get; set; }
public class Cause : ActiveRecordBase<Cause>
[PrimaryKey(PrimaryKeyType.Native, "CAUSE_CD", ColumnType = "String")]
public virtual string CauseCd { get; set; }
[Property("CAUSE_DESC", ColumnType = "String", NotNull = true)]
public virtual string CauseDesc { get; set; }
Here is what I use to query the database.
DetachedCriteria incidentCriteria = DetachedCriteria.For<Incident>("i")
IList<Incident> incidents = Incident.FindAll(incidentCriteria);
Both projections properties do not get populated unless I set an alias. So my question is, why is the alias optional? I'm sure I'm simply missing something else. But if I put a random alias (e.g. abc) it'll return an error saying that it could not find property "abc" in the Incident class. Fair enough, I add the appropriate alias to match my property names. And voila! My properties are now property being populated.
Now comes the issue of when I want to query a lookup table. I add
.Add(Projections.Property("c.CauseDesc"), "CauseDesc")
to my ProjectionList and append
.CreateCriteria("i.Cause", "c")
But now it complains that it can't find "CauseDesc" from my Incident model.
What am I missing from this whole criteria ordeal?
Update: The following code
IList<Incident> results = sess.CreateCriteria<Incident>("i")
.Add(Projections.Property("i.IncidentId"), "IncidentId")
.Add(Projections.Property("i.CreationDatetime"), "CreationDatetime")
.Add(Projections.Property("c.CauseDesc"), "CauseDesc")
.Add(Expression.Gt("i.IncidentId", 1234567))
.CreateAlias("Cause", "c")
This does create a valid query (I checked it with a profiler) but it seems to be having issues populating my generic list. It gives me error "The value \"System.Object[]\" is not of type \"oms_dal.Models.Incident\" and cannot be used in this generic collection.\r\nParameter name: value". However, all works fine if I don't use a projection but then it selects 50+ fields which I don't want. Does that mean I'm forced to use a DTO in this circumstance?