



I'm using jQuery 1.4.2 and jQuery UI 1.8.4, on the latest versions of IE and Firefox, under Windows XP. Firefox is fine with the following code:

var $container = jQuery('<div></div>');
$'size', {to: {width: 640} }, 'slow');
$'size', {to: {height: 500} }, 'slow', function() {...} );

However, IE8 fails. On line 11046 of jQuery-ui.js, the value of el.from.fontSize is "NaNpx", which causes the call to css() to throw an exception with the message: "Invalid argument."

By combining the two calls to show() (which I don't want to do), and giving the div a non-zero width and height, I can get past the errors, but it's ruining the effect I'm after. Also, why is Firefox (and also Chrome, Safari and Opera) happy with the code, but not IE?