I need to get the Facebook fan_count, part of the data returned by the main open graph API call for a page, for an age restricted Facebook page. Anyone know how to do this? For instance: http://graph.facebook.com/BudLight
Trying "Authenticating As An Application" doesn't work. And in my app, users don't authenticate themselves, so I don't have one of their access tokens. The app will be installed as a tab on a Page profile. I wish there was someway that it was the page with authenticated. It's the pages own fan count that I want to retrieve.
2010-08-09 19:54:52
@weotch Maybe FQL would work then: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3231099/how-does-one-retrieve-the-fan-count-for-a-facebook-application-page-using-the-gra/3231744#3231744 . If that doesn't work either then as a last resort you can authenticate yourself with offline_access permission once and then use that non-expiring access token to retrieve data.
2010-08-09 20:10:17
FQL didn't work but your last resort option does. Not sure how long I get to keep offline access, but I think it'll work. One thing I was considering is if the manage_pages permission would give me a permanent access token or if it would be destroyed when I lose my main token.
2010-08-09 20:36:05
@weotch manage_pages is permanent just like offline_access so they shouldn't expire (anytime soon at least, not sure if there is time limit). manage_pages is something similar to authenticating as an app, only this one authenticates you as a user created page (if you created any). If app token doesn't let you query the table then I doubt page token would (but you can try if you want, who knows).
2010-08-09 20:50:52
fan_count isn't restricted, and there's no need to provide an access_token.
You just need to query graph by page_id, for example, for BudLight: http://graph.facebook.com/110515375643035
2010-08-10 14:56:54
That isn't the actual company page for Bud Light. That is the generated page created by likes. The page id of the real page (http://www.facebook.com/BudLight) is 54876245094. Which is restricted (http://graph.facebook.com/54876245094).
2010-08-11 00:15:33