




My situation is i know the basics of SQL and am a little rusty on stuff to do with joins etc.

Id like a book which covers relational databases(info about them etc), understanding normalisation, set theory and then more advanced concepts such as stored procedures, cursors and so on.

Tutorials, books, anything is good! Obviously if there is a certain book out there that covers the majority in a not so complicated fashion all the better.


+1  A: 

I've just finished reading "Inside SQL Server 2008 T-SQL Querying" and would thoroughly recommend it particularly if you are planning on using Microsoft SQL Server.

It covers a surprising amount of the theoretical stuff that you mention.

Martin Smith
thanks i'll take a look into it
Are you looking for vendor specific recommendations or vendor agnostic?
Martin Smith
+1  A: 

I recommend SQL Antipatterns by @Bill Karwin, a regular contributor on Stack Overflow. The book assumes a very basic knowledge of SQL, but describes very common errors and problematic deign patterns in SQL databases. The book is very easy to follow, and it was a pleasure reading it.

If you're seeking a more in-depth understanding of the theory behind SQL and relational databases, I recommend checking out SQL and Relational Theory: How to Write Accurate SQL Code by Chris J. Date. If you appreciate a theoretical discussion of SQL and relational theory, it should be a very interesting read.

Daniel Vassallo
+1  A: 

I suggest you this book :

SQL for Smarties


For understanding relational theory, I recommend "An Introduction to Database Systems" by CJ Date.

Mark Bannister