I need some help understanding how stdext::hash_multimap's lower_bound, upper_bound and equal_range work (at least the VS2005 version of it).
I have the following code (summarized for the question)
#include <hash_map>
using stdext::hash_multimap;
using std::greater;
using stdext::hash_compare;
using std::pair;
using std::cout;
typedef hash_multimap < double, CComBSTR, hash_compare< double, greater<double> > > HMM;
HMM hm1;
HMM :: const_iterator it1, it2;
pair<HMM::const_iterator, HMM::const_iterator> pairHMM;
typedef pair <double, CComBSTR> PairDblStr;
// inserting only two values for sample
hm1.insert ( PairDblStr ( 0.224015748, L"#1-64" ) );
hm1.insert ( PairDblStr ( 0.215354331, L"#1-72" ) );
// Using a double value in between the inserted key values to find one of the elements in the map
it1 = hm1.lower_bound( 0.2175 );
if( it1 == hm1.end() )
cout << "lower_bound failed\n";
it1 = hm1.upper_bound( 0.2175 );
if( it1 == hm1.end() )
cout << "upper_bound failed\n";
pairHMM = hm1.equal_range( 0.2175 );
if( ( pairHMM.first == hm1.end() ) && ( pairHMM.second == hm1.end() ) )
cout << "equal_range failed\n";
As mentioned in the comment I am passing in a value (0.2175) that is in between the two inserted key values (0.224015748, 0.215354331). But the output of the code is:
lower_bound failed
upper_bound failed
equal_range failed
Did I misunderstand how the lower_bound, upper_bound and equal_range can be used in maps? Can we not find a "closest match" key using these methods? If these methods are not suitable, would you have any suggestion on what I could use for my requirement?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Thanks to @billy-oneal @dauphic for their comments and edits. I have updated the code above to make it compilable and runnable (once you include the correct headers of course).