If you have control of the server-side code as well, the easiest thing will probably be to include a parameter with a value to specify the format.
Here's an example where I did the same type of thing you're describing. I loaded a table with customer values from data returned in xml, json, or string format, all driven by the value my server-side code returned as the format parameter:
function checkCusts(id, format, resultRegion) {
var address = "cust-lookup.jsp";
var data = "cust_id_list=" + getValue(id) + "&format=" + format;
if (address != "") {
ajaxPost(address, data,
function(request) {
parseCustomers(request, format, resultRegion);
function parseCustomers(request, format, resultRegion) {
if ((request.readyState == 4) && (request.status == 200)) {
var headings = new Array("Customer ID", "First Name", "Last Name", "Balance");
var rows = null, customers = null;
if ("xml" == format) {
var xmlDocument = request.responseXML;
customers = xmlDocument.getElementsByTagName("customer");
rows = new Array(customers.length);
var subElementNames = ["cust_id", "first_name", "last_name", "balance"];
for (var i=0; i<customers.length; i++) {
rows[i] = getElementValues(customers[i], subElementNames);
} else if ("json" == format) {
var rawData = request.responseText;
var data = eval("(" + rawData + ")");
rows = data.customers;
} else if ("string" == format) {
var rawData = request.responseText;
var rowStrings = rawData.split(/[\n\r]+/);
rows = new Array(rowStrings.length -1);
for (var i=1; i<rowStrings.length; i++) {
rows[i-1] = rowStrings[i].split("#");
var table = getTable(headings, rows);
htmlInsert(resultRegion, table);