



On part of my site, users enter multiple search terms. Each of these search terms may return 0 rows, or return several. I perform a UNION on all the searches and get the rows.

Thing are much easier for me if I can get all the search terms in the response, regardless of whether they return any rows. Is there a way to essentially LEFT JOIN a string (in this case the search term) to a SELECT query?

More information update:

I have a table Books with the field Title.

The user enters up to 10 title search_terms, and I currently perform a UNION on all these to get matching rows. So it's like

SELECT $s[0] AS Search_Term,* WHERE Title LIKE '%$s[0]%'  UNION 
SELECT $s[1] AS Search_Term,* WHERE Title LIKE '%$s[1]%' ...etc

I'd like it so that if there are no results for a given search, I still get the Search_Term back along with the NULL Title.

+4  A: 

I think this is what he wants:


Search Term____Title________________________________Author______Call No
cats           How to Care for Millions of Cats     JohnB       B.342
kittens        Why Kittens are your only Friends    Old Lady    L.4239
rabies         null                                 null        null


Maybe something like this:

  CASE count
    count > 0
      'Search Term', books.title 'Title', 'Author', books.call_no 'Call No'
    count <= 0
      'Search term 1'
  (SELECT COUNT('Search term 1') count, 'Search term 1' 'Search Term' ,*
   FROM books
   WHERE books.title LIKE 'Search term 1');

(you'll have to work the kinks out though)

I want the Search term in the results, even if facts.description != the search term
@babonk, no need to down-vote, I'm trying to help! You hardly provided any details; your question was vague!!
@JohnB: I added more info on the query, etc. Sorry for the question being vague
Thanks JohnB (that is indeed what I'm going for). Would there be a way to shorten it like OMG Ponies's query?
I'm sorry babonk, OMG Ponies is way out of my league! Use his query! +1 OMG
ok, will do.. thanks for the answer though.. i only downvoted because in the past people have ignored my questions because there's an upvoted one there that doesn't answer it. (removed the downvote)

Join conditions work just like WHERE conditions, you can use "LIKE" or "=" to join on the condition of your choice. If you need more detail, I'll need some query examples and table definitions.

I've added more info to the question..
+1  A: 

You could use Full Text Search (FTS) this way, if you concatenate the array values together:

   SELECT x.searchterm,
     FROM (SELECT $s[0 ... 20] AS search_term) x
LEFT JOIN BOOKS b ON MATCHES(b.title) AGAINST (x.searchterm)

$s[0 ... 20] is a placeholder for the search terms concatenated into a single string, separating each term with a space character.

The LEFT JOIN will ensure that you get your search term and NULL for the rest of the columns if nothing matches.

OMG Ponies