Hallo everyone,
I have gone through various threads on this topic but, nothing seems to solve my particular problem. Including testlib, makes the console window appear and there I didnot find any option to suppress this behaviour.
But my application still demands testlib to be present (because i badly wanted to use QTest::qWait() method), and no console window to appear. I tried a few options from the other threads but nothing is working. what should i do to suppress this console window even after using 'testlib"?
The options I tried are
adding CONFIG -= console to my .pro file.
QT += gui \ xml \ core \ testlib CONFIG += qt \ windows \ uitools \ release CONFIG -= console LIBS += extern/ftd2xx.lib RC_FILE = res/AC-Core.rc QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Wall \
editing the qmake.conf file, the lines
QMAKE_LFLAGS_CONSOLE = -Wl,-subsystem,console, to QMAKE_LFLAGS_CONSOLE = -Wl,-subsystem,windows
Any other ideas to suppress the appearing of console window are welcome?