I'm using the JQuery DatePicker for exchange rate dashboard.How can i retrieve data on clicking specific date.The datepicker should fetch data from database and should display on text fied. The dates should be mark and clickable, and it should navigate to the particular Day Exchange rate Detail when the user clicks on one of the dates.........
i'm using Asp.net mvc to implement my exchange rate dashboard. here is exchange rate controller code(http.post)
if (tUsvc.ValidateExchangeRate(fc["Duedate"], fc["BuyingRate"])) //validate and add/update new exchange rate for today
ExchangeRate rate = new ExchangeRate();
rate.CurrentDate = Convert.ToDateTime(fc["Duedate"]);
rate.DollarRate = Convert.ToInt32(fc["Dollar"]);
rate.BuyingRate = Convert.ToDecimal(fc["BuyingRate"]);
rate.SellingRate = Convert.ToDecimal(fc["SellingRate"]);
else // if not validate display previously updated today's exchange rate
ViewData["ExchangeRate"] = Ers.GetAll().Last();
return View("ExchangeRates");
ExchangeRate erate = Ers.GetAll().Last(); //redirect url to display exchange rate after update/add
ViewData["ExchangeRate"] = Ers.GetSingleExchangeRate(erate.Id);
return View();