Many desktop applications use SQL tables to manage their users permissions and roles. In fact they restrict access to some parts of application in their application code. It means they need a constant connection string to SQL server with maximum permissions.
My target is C# 2010, Sql Server 2005 or 2008.
What if with any reason someone find that connection string ?(Network tracing, Software hacking, Fired Employee or ...), He can change everything with just Managemenst Studio and you can't understand which client did it. If you want to change connectionstring. You must do it in many clients and in a bad design you need to recompile application.
So i want to know is it good idea to use real SQL login instead of username and password in tables ? make connection string for each user by SQL Logins ?
In this way there is no afraid to loose connection string. Also in SQL codes you can use GetUser() function to indicate which user really runed the query ?
But maybe the managing permission is difficult with this way because there is no simple table to manage permissions and users.
In one long sentence. I want to know What is the best way for authenticating desktop application users in a way that managing permission can be done and also sql server can log user activity ?