



Does anyone know how to retrieve the product description from the Amazon API? I have asked their forum with no success. I can access the detailed page URL from an ItemLookUp but then I have to screenscrape which is not ideal.

Thanks, Steve

+2  A: 

You can retrieve it like this apparently (wont work, wrong key):,ItemAttributes,Images,Offers,EditorialReview,Subjects,Reviews

Taken from Amazon Developer Forum:

Similar issue was discussed at Amazon does not own all the content that appears on the retail site and some of it is licensed from third parties who limit the ways in which their intellectual property is allowed to be reproduced. As a result, we need to filter out some editorial reviews / contents from public responses when querying via ECS.

So be careful screenscraping, it might be breaking copyright. Also check that the data you are attempting to retrive is allowed.

Tom Gullen