I have long table of pictures and descriptions (I use longtable environment to get it in several columns on page). I want this to be splitted past picture, not between middle title and picture. My table is somethink like this:
\multicolumn{3}{2}{description} \\
\includegraphics[]{} &
\includegraphics[]{} &
\includegraphics[]{} \\
\multicolumn{3}{2}{description} \\
\includegraphics[]{} &
\includegraphics[]{} &
\includegraphics[]{} \\
I want LaTeX to split this between pages before \multicolumn, not between \multicolumn and \includegraphics. Is there possibility to do this or I should try another way?
I was try to use \multirow{3}{*}{ } to stick rows but it isn't work.