



Using C# and SQL Server, would there be any reason to put a single INSERT statement into a transaction?

I am reviewing code written by someone else. I can't understand why a transaction would be needed since there is only one SQL statement.

+3  A: 

No reason at all.

+8  A: 

It will already be in an implicit transaction. No need to wrap it in another redundant transaction.

An `INSERT` statement is atomic, but it doesn't use an implicit transaction (at least not the type described in that link). If that were the case then an explicit `COMMIT` would be required.
@Luke - It does use implicit transactions. There is a `set` option as well though also called implicit transactions which is what I think the link is referring to.
Martin Smith
@Luke Actually it looks like the preferred term may be auto commit transactions I've always just thought explicit vs implicit as well.
Martin Smith

Programmatically, there would be no reason. The reason might be in readability though; wrapping an arbitrary code snippet in a transaction is a pretty good way of drawing the attention of future developers to it - or away from something else. It might also just be that the Best Practice at the time of writing was to wrap any dealings with the database in a transaction, just as wrapping stuff in try/catch-blocks.

My suggestion: If the code is clearer and more readable because of this, or if all other database calls are in transactions, leave it in. Otherwise, remove it.
