I've checked the code of AxisChange() method and I think this is because of following code:
// if the ChartRect is not yet determined, then pick a scale based on a default ChartRect
// size (using 75% of Rect -- code is in Axis.CalcMaxLabels() )
// With the scale picked, call CalcChartRect() so calculate a real ChartRect
// then let the scales re-calculate to make sure that the assumption was ok
if ( _chart._isRectAuto )
PickScale( g, scaleFactor );
_chart._rect = CalcChartRect( g );
//this.pieRect = PieItem.CalcPieRect( g, this, scaleFactor, this.chartRect );
I’m not sure though, you should give a try copy line … outside the “if” clause and see what happens. Any way, try to debug the source code, it is good enough for understanding.