



Ok, I've searched high and low. Last chance.

  • Specs: win7, netbeans php 6.9.1, php works fine (it's all fine; ide's the problem)

  • Problem: when I run (F6) a file from netbeans, it opens Firefox with "Index of /..." tab. Your everyday FTP-style tab. It doesn't point to the actual php file. He's drowning at seashore. Instead of "http://localhost/indeed/damn_right.php", he's "http://localhost/indeed/"-ing. If I click on "damn_right.php" in the browser, it all-so-kindly parses my php file.

I defined a new project, with all sort of useless files in it (php, html, css). The projects points to "http://localhost/indeed/". In project settings, I have a bunch of options, like index file, or "Run As...", "Project URL", but I'll starve 'till I'll find the bugger.

I've tried "-new-tab {URL}". Nope. Default browser, IE or Firefox, same story. .PHP, .HTML, .WHAT_NOT, he's not changing his mind.

Is there some argument problem? Shouldn't it be {URL}?

Anyway, thanks in advanced. (No, I won't switch to another IDE. I'll die trying)