



This issue involves a Windows Forms VB.NET application. .NET version is 3.5

I have a datepicker control that is enabled/disabled by a checkbox. When the user checks the box, the datepicker is enabled and they select a date. However, for users running Windows XP, when they select a date the calendar reverts back to disabled and showing the current date (the unchecked state).

For Windows 7 users, the date is preserved and the datepicker remains in the enabled state. I am at a loss to find a workaround for this.

Short of migrating the users to Windows 7, is there anything I can do in my code?

Here is the code for the checkbox:

Sub CheckboxDates() Handles ckbPaid.CheckedChanged
    If ckbPaid.Checked = True Then
        dtPaidDate.Enabled = True
        dtPaidDate.Enabled = False
    End If
End Sub

From what you describe, it sounds like you're getting click-through from the DatePicker causing it to uncheck the CheckBox.

Have you tried repositioning the CheckBox so that it's not under the calendar when it's displayed? Does that make a difference?

If it is click-through, you could try relocating the CheckBox or disabling it while the DatePicker is being used (using the DropDown and CloseUp events.)
