I would like to implement a multi-threaded, non-blocking file open. Ideally, the desired solution would be to make a call to open() & have it return immediately, and do something like register a callback to be called (or handle a signal, or conditional variable) when the open() operation is actually complete. To that end, I wrote a little test driver that creates multiple simultaneous threads and tries to open the same file. I would have hoped the return from openat() to be an invalid file descriptor, with an errno == EAGAIN, but the open call seems to always block until the open completes successfully.
Is there an implementation of this approach for a non-blocking open()?
Thanks in advance.
Reference Thread Code:
void* OpenHandler(void* args)
// Declarations removed
Dir = "/SomeDir";
if ((DirFd = open(Dir, O_RDONLY )) < 0) {
printf("********Error opening Directory*******\n");
return NULL;
do {
FileFd = openat(DirFd, &FileName[DirLen], O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
/* If open failed */
if (FileFd == -1) {
if (errno == EAGAIN)
printf("Open would block\n");
else {
printf("Open failed\n");
Opened = 1;
} while (!Opened);