This question comes after solving my last question, I'd like to get some values out of the hidden forms but when I try to retrieve them only empty strings come by, I've considered just using arrays to store the information as it is introduced but I'd like to know if it's possible just to retrieve it afterwards and how.
Also, There is a table that is generated on the fly with some javascript:
function createTable(){
if ( document.getElementById("invoiceFormat").rowNumber.value != ""){
rows = document.getElementById("invoiceFormat").rowNumber.value;
var contents = "<table id='mt'><tr>";
if ( document.getElementById("invoiceFormat").cb1[0].checked ){
contents = contents + "<td class='htd'>Quantity</td>";
}if (document.getElementById("invoiceFormat").cb1[1].checked ){
contents = contents + "<td class='htd'>Description</td>";
}if (document.getElementById("invoiceFormat").cb1[2].checked ){
contents = contents + "<td class='htd'>Unitary Price</td>";
}if (document.getElementById("invoiceFormat").cb1[3].checked ){
contents = contents + "<td class='htd'>Subtotal</td>";
for (i=4; i<=k; i++){
if (document.getElementById("invoiceFormat").cb1[i].checked ){
contents = contents + "<td>" + document.getElementById("invoiceFormat").cb1[i].value + "</td>";
contents = contents + "</tr>";
for (j=1; j<=rows; j++){
contents = contents + "<tr>";
for (l=0; l<=k; l++){
if (document.getElementById("invoiceFormat").cb1[l].checked ){
hotfix = l +1;
contents = contents + "<td> <input id='cell" + j + "_" + hotfix + "' name='cell' type='text' size='15' /> </td>";
contents = contents + "</tr>";
contents = contents + "</table>";
var createdTable = document.getElementById("mainTable");
createdTable.innerHTML = contents;
After it's created I've tried to access it but without luck so far, I just can't get what the user inputs in the input fields that are created. How can I do this?
I'm using raw javascript with jQuery so answers with or without the library are welcomed :)