I'm working on an PHP/Jquery autosuggest tool that'll query a large table of tags but I need some suggestions for the db schema that'll return related tags as well as match-based results.
For example:
I type 'Web':
'Web Developer'
'Web Designer'
'Web Analyst'
and also related tags...
'PHP Developer'
'Flash Programmer'
So obviously there needs to be a column for each tag with some sort of relational or parentage value... Whats the best way to go about this?
--- UPDATE -----------------
certainly - and thanks again for all your help!
here are the tables..
Id TagName
1 Web Developer
2 Web Designer
3 Web Analyst
4 PHP Developer
5 Flash Programmer
TagId RelatedTagId Strength
1 4 0
1 5 7
Since the Strength value of 'Flash Programmer' is 7 i'd like it to appear before PHP programmer..(hopefully the format is clear enough..)
thanks again!