



Hi, i am using a named pipe for IPC on a Debian system. I will be sending some data as a set of strings from a bash script to a background running process written in C code.

The data i want to send is four strings eg accountid, firstname,surname, description. Currently i am sending the data as a char array separated by spaces from my bash script.

echo "accountid firstname surname description" >$pipe

In the background process i read the pipe data like this into char array 'datain'

res = read(pipe_fd, datain, BUFFER_SIZE);

then i am just iterating over the array looking for spaces


char* p = datain;

char accountid[80];
char firstname[80];

// extract the accountid
    accountid = p;


    firstname = p;


This method seems a bit crude however my programming skills are not that good so i was wondering if there was a better strategy for transferring this set of data over a named pipe in Linux.


+2  A: 
  • A pipe (named or not) is a stream of bytes. If you were using the same language on both sides, there might be a better way of sending structured data. In your situation, a manual encoding and decoding, like you're doing, is by far the easiest solution.

  • Don't use spaces to separate fields that may contain spaces, such as people's names. Use :, like /etc/passwd.

  • In C, read is hard to use, because you have to decide on a buffer size in advance and you have to call it in a loop because it may return less than the buffer size on a whim. The functions from stdio.h (that operate on a FILE* rather than a file descriptor) are easier to use but still require work to handle long lines. If you don't care about portability outside Linux, use getline:

    FILE *pipe = fdopen(fd, "r");
    char *line = NULL;
    size_t line_length;
    getline(&line, &line_length, pipe);

Then use strchr to locate the :s in the line. (Don't be tempted to use strtok, it's only suitable for whitespace-separated fields that can't be empty.)

Yeah, using ':' instead of space as a separator is a much better idea, though the main issue is that your separator character should not appear in your data.
You could also use `strtok()` to parse out the fields.
@caf: No, `strtok` would treat `::` as a single separator (i.e., you can't have an empty field). This is almost never desirable except when the separators are whitespace.

Since it's 2010, you might want to encode your data in JSON or XML, both of which are readily available as libraries for C and almost any other language.

Whee, lets add megabytes of parsing libraries, complicated interfaces and the inability to easily produce the required data from a shell script in order to move into the future!
It's not at all difficult to produce JSON data from a shell script. Consuming might be a bit harder, though. BTW, cJSON.o is exactly 40032 bytes on my machine and the interface is not at all complicated.