In the abscence of a "default" member, I think it's valuable to have a value representing the literal int 0.
No matter what, a given enum will be created with the literal value 0. The most straight forward case here is as a member of a struct. A C# struct will always have an empty default constructor that initalizes all fields to their default value. In the case of an enum, that will be the literal value 0. The question is how to handle it.
For me this is an issue of style: If the enum is not explicitly initialized to a value, should it be given an arbitrary valid value or a specific value indicating a lack of explicit initialization?
enum Color { Unknown, Red, Blue }
enum Color2 { Red,Blue }
struct Example<T> {
Color color;
static void SomeMethod() {
var v1 = new Example<Color>();
var v2 = new Example<Color2>();
In the case of v1, if the color field is inspected it will explicitly be labeled as an uninitialized field. In v2 the field will simple be "Red". There is no way for a programmer to detect between and explicit set to "Red" or an implicit default value to "Red".
Another case where this causes a problem is doing a switch statement against an enum value. Lets slighly alter the definition of Color2.
enum Color2 { Red = 1, Blue = 2 }
static void SomeOtherMethod(p1 as Example<Color2>) {
switch ( p1.color ) {
case Color.Red: {}
case Color.Blue: {}
default: {throw new Exception("What happened?"); }
The switch handles every explicit value in the enum. Yet this code will fail for the default constructor of Example<Color2> and there is no way to supress this constructor.
This brings up a slighly more important rule: Have an explicit enum value for the literal value 0.