I am writing a program in Haskell here it is the code
module Main
import IO
import Maybe
import Control.Monad.Reader
--il mio environment consiste in una lista di tuple/coppie chiave-valore
data Environment = Env {variables::[(String,String)]}deriving (Show)
fromEnvToPair :: Environment-> [(String,String)]
fromEnvToPair (Env e)= e
estrai' x d
|length x==0=[]
|otherwise=estrai x d
estrai (x:xs) d
| (x:xs)=="" =[]
| x== d=[]
| otherwise = x:(estrai xs d)
--estrae da una stringa tutti i caratteri saino a d
conta' x d n
| length x==0 = 0
|otherwise = conta x d n
conta (x:xs) d n
| x== d=n
| otherwise = (conta xs d (n+1))
primo (a,b,c)=a
secondo (a,b,c)=b
terzo (a,b,c)=c
estraifrom x d n
|n>=(length x) =[]
| x!!n==d = []
|otherwise = x!!n:(estraifrom x d (n+1))
readerContent :: Reader Environment Environment
readerContent =do
content <- ask
return ( content)
-- resolve a template into a string
resolve :: [Char]-> Reader Environment (String)
resolve key= do
varValue <- asks (lookupVar key)
return $ maybe "" id varValue
maketuple x =(k,v,l) where
k= (estrai' x ':')--usare estrai'
v=estraifrom x ';' (conta' x ':' 1)
l= (length k)+(length v)+2 --è l'offset dovuto al; e al :
makecontext x
| length x==0 = []
| (elem ':' x)&&(elem ';' x)==False = []
|otherwise= (k,v):makecontext (drop l x) where
t= maketuple x
k= primo t
v= secondo t
l= terzo t
doRead filename = do
bracket(openFile filename ReadMode) hClose(\h -> do
contents <- hGetContents h
return contents
let cont=makecontext contents
putStrLn (take 100 contents)
return (contents))
-- putStrLn (snd (cont!!1)))
-- putStrLn (take 100 contents))
-- estrae i caratteri di una stringa dall'inizio fino al carattere di controllo
-- aggiungere parametri to the environment
-- estrae i caratteri di una stringa dall'inizio fino al carattere di controllo
-- aggiungere parametri to the environment
-- lookup a variable from the environment
lookupVar :: [Char] -> Environment -> Maybe String
lookupVar name env = lookup name (variables env)
lookup' x t=[v| (k,v)<-t,k==x]
fromJust' :: Maybe a -> a
fromJust' (Just x) = x
fromJust' Nothing = error "fromJust: Nothing"
main = do
file<- doRead "context.txt"-- leggo il contesto
let env= Env( makecontext file) -- lo converto in Environment
let c1= fromEnvToPair(runReader readerContent env)
putStrLn(fromJust'(lookupVar "user" env))
--putStrLn ((lookup' "user" (fromEnvToPair env))!!0)-- read the environment
--putStrLn ("user"++ (fst (c1!!1)))
putStrLn ("finito")
--putStrLn("contesto" ++ (snd(context!!1)))
What I want to do is reading a file formating the content and puting it in Environment, well it read the file and does all the other stuff only if in doRead there is the line putStrLn (take 100 contents) otherwise I can not take anithing, somebody knows why? I do not want to leave that line if I do not know why thanks in advance thanks in advance