



EDIT: I have submitted a bug report and Microsoft have acknowledge that it is a bug. There is currently no ETA on when it will be fixed.

Bug Report:

Official Feedback:

I have a solution structured in the following way.

  • Entity framework project
  • Data access project
  • WPF application project

The WPF application calls methods in the data access project which gets it's data from the entity framework project and binds it in XAML.


      <ObjectDataProvider x:Key="tokens" 
                            ObjectType="{x:Type ctl:MerchantNetworkController}" 
                            MethodName="ListMerchantNetworkTokens" />

The problem i have is that the VS 2008 designer won't load when i call functions from the data access project, I can however compile and run the solution fine.

When i create a function in the code behind of the XAML and use that instead of the data access project it works fine and the designer actually loads. The problem just occurs when i make a call to the data access project.

The error message i get from the designer is

"The specified named connection is either not found in the configuration, not intended to be used with the EntityClient provider, or not valid"

I have the following connection string in the App.config of the WPF project and the data access project

<add name="Entities"
         provider connection string='Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=database;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=username;Password=password;MultipleActiveResultSets=True'"
         providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />

I am using VS 2008 sp1, .NET 3.5 sp1, Vista 32 bit

+1  A: 

Ya, this sucks. I've had to deal with this before. Best thing you can do is make your controller function return fake data when in design view.

Scott Hanselman