I have a delegate:
delegate ResultType Caller<ResultType>(IPtxLogic logic);
Here is a function:
private ResultType ExecuteLogicMethod2<ResultType>(string sessionId,
Caller<ResultType> action)
where ResultType : IResult, new()
I want to replace the function signature with something like this:
private ResultType ExecuteLogicMethod2<ResultType>(string sessionId,
Action<IPtxLogic, ResultType> action)
where ResultType : IResult, new()
Compiler tells me:
Using the generic type 'System.Action' requires '1' type arguments
Why? How can I get access to 'standard' .NET class?
Thank you. Any thought are welcome.
P.S. I've created my custom delegate to resolve issue, but ... I don't want to create custom delegate for each of my 'custom action'...
delegate ResultType Action<ParameterType, ResultType>(ParameterType param);
P.P.S. I am using .NET 3.5