hello, I've a Tlistview with 3 columns, I need from Tcollection object as this follow
FListeDispoProduit := TListeDispoProduit.Create(TProduit);
with (FListeDispoProduit) do
with TProduit(Add) do
Name := 'Produit 01';
CIP := 'A001';
StockQty := 3;
But when I try to put this object into the Tlistview only the first column (Name)is populate I write this:
for i := 0 to FListeDispoProduit.Count -1 do
Tlistview1.Items.Insert(i).Caption := TProduit(FListeDispoProduit.Items[i]).Name;
I need fill those 3 columns (Name,cip,StockQty ), how can I do this?
Thank you.
hope I be clear.