




In my silverlight app i have a view with a listbox:

<ListBox Canvas.Left="12" Canvas.Top="72" Height="468" Name="invoiceList" Width="453" ItemsSource="{Binding ElementList}" >
                    <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" />

which is bound to the list of elements in my VM. The problem is that when I add new elements, one by one, using Relay Command:

public RelayCommand<Element> AddNewElement = new RelayCommand<Element>(NewElement(element));

   public void NewElement(Element element)
        if(ElementList == null) ElementList = new List<Element>();
        if (element != null) ElementList.Add(element);

the listbox updates only once, i.e. it shows only first element of the collection , though more items are inside ElementList

+1  A: 

You need to bind to a list of type ObservableCollection then every update to the list collection will trigger the binding to update.

Example on how to create an observable collection of your list:

public ObservableCollection<string> MyElements { get; set; }
public void FillList()
    List<string> testList = new List<string>() {"string1", "string2"};
    MyElements = new ObservableCollection<string>(testList);

MyElements.Add("string3") will trigger binding to update

EDIT: I added a working example, I provide the xaml and ViewModelCode with the use of acommand to add some strings:


<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding MyStrings}"  />
<Button Command="{Binding AddExtraStringCommand}" Content="Add ExtraString" />


public class Window1ViewModel : ViewModelBase
    public ObservableCollection<string> MyStrings { get; set; }
    public RelayCommand AddExtraStringCommand { get; set; }

    public Window1ViewModel()
        patient = new Patient() { BirthdayString = "21/11" };
        MyStrings = new ObservableCollection<string>() { "string1", "string2", "string3" };
        AddExtraStringCommand = new RelayCommand(AddExtraString);

    public void AddExtraString()
        MyStrings.Add("nog enen extra om: " + DateTime.Now);

I don't have to trigger the RaisePropertyChanged to make it work. Maybe you can check your code to this code example.

Wouter Janssens - Xelos bvba
Thanks a lot that almost solved the problem for me! But still after MyElements.Add("string") i had to call RaisePropertyChanged("PropertyName") becouse Add method didn't trigger binding to update, and now it's working fine.
I added a working code example. Try to check your code with this because this is working in a test project of me
Wouter Janssens - Xelos bvba
Can you accept this answer so the question is marked as accepted
Wouter Janssens - Xelos bvba
Hey! Inside my program I'm doing everything in the same way you've provided but still i have to use RaisePropertyChanged.