I'm trying to add a mapping to the table IdentityGroup which has ManyToMany IdentityUsers thought the table IdentityGroupIdentitiy. However when I add the mapping. The result seems to be a something like a cross join.
Expected result for a group with two users:
Group 1:
User 1
User 2
Current result for a group with two users:
Group 1:
User 1
User 2
Group 1:
User 1
User 2
My mapping looks like this:
mapping.HasManyToMany<IdentityUser>(x => x.Users)
Code to fetch the data:
public IQueryable<T> Find<T>(params string[] propertiesToLoad)
var query = session.Linq<T>();
foreach (var propName in propertiesToLoad)
if (typeof(T) is ISoftDeletable)
query.Where(x => !(x as ISoftDeletable).IsDeleted);
return query;
public IQueryable<IdentityGroup> Groups
get { return Find<IdentityGroup>(new string[] { "DefaultOrganization", "DefaultLocation", "Users" }); }
Ant ideas?