All the examples I've seen use "getElementById" to get the single element, and then change that style for that singular element.
I'm in the situation where I need to modify all the matching elements on the page with a style. I need to change the font size, height, and width. How do I do this, and is jQuery required or optional? The reason I ask is because this site doesn't use jQuery and I'd rather not download the entire library just to accomplish this one thing.
Update As an example, suppose I have several elements on the page with this style:
border: 0px;
margin: 7px;
float: left;
padding: 0px;
background: url(/TLSADMIN/UserControls/contactsgrid/trans-shadow.png) no-repeat bottom right; /* Most major browsers other than IE supports transparent shadow. Newer release of IE should be able to support that. */
height: 163px;
width: 250px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
border-top: 1px solid #ddd;
font-family: Cambria, Cochin, Georgia, Times, "Times New Roman", serif;
margin: -5px 5px 5px -5px; /* Offset the image by certain pixels to reveal the shadow, as the shadows are 6 pixels wide, offset it by that amount to get a perfect shadow */
/* Most major browsers other than IE supports transparent shadow. Newer release of IE should be able to support that. */
background-image: url('/TLSADMIN/UserControls/contactsgrid/OutlookContactGradient.png') ;
background-position: bottom;
padding: 0px; /* Increasing this gives a white border around the image */
background-color: #f2f6f9; /* Background color of the border created by the padding */
border: 1px solid #cecece; /* A 1 pixel greyish border is applied to the white border created by the padding */
display: block; /* IE won't do well without this */
position: relative; /* Make the shadow's position relative to its image */
And then assume I have a JavaScript function that will proportionally resize the elements above according to a slider bar. The slider bar I'm using is available from a 3rd party here:
That slider will then pass a number that I'll use to determine how much to zoom in/out:
function ResizeWindowAccordingToScrollBar(PercentChange)
//Locate elements
//Resize fonts, borders, all styles to zoom in/ zoom out.
How do you recommend I handle the "PercentChange" value? I may swap out the CSS style for each matching element using a switch statment, but that may not be as smooth as other options could be.
Also, if someone wants to look at my code, a self contained sample is here:
If you download the ComponentArt Controls, feel free to uncomment the scrollbar code.
My goal is to directly emulate the zoom feature available in Outlook 2007