The .watch() method does this in short: "Watches for a property to be assigned a value and runs a function when that occurs."
Long descriptive form: "Watches for assignment to a property named prop in this object, calling handler(prop, oldval, newval) whenever prop is set and storing the return value in that property. A watchpoint can filter (or nullify) the value assignment, by returning a modified newval (or by returning oldval)."
There is a question for getting it to work in all browsers here:
I am looking for something similar to that. What I'm looking for is a method I can use to fit this specification: "Watches for assignment to any property in this object and runs a function when that occurs." The main difference is that it is any property, and just any specific property.
Can somebody create such a method or if they know such a method is already in existence, link to it? It'd be useful to have it work in all browsers (minus IE, or minus IE8 if IE9 conforms)
Edit: For an example of what I mean, I'll show what I need it for.
var DiscreteLine = function (leftBound, length){
this.positive = [];
this.negative = [];
this.length = length;
this.leftBound = leftBound;
this.rightBound = leftBound + length
if (this.leftBound < 0){
this.negative.length = (leftBound * -1) + 1;
} else {
this.negative.length = 0;
if (this.rightBound >= 0){
this.positive.length = rightBound + 1;
} else {
this.positive.length = 0;
this.watchObject = new ObjectWatcher(handler(prop, oldval, newval){ /* some stuff */ });
Then, when for example, if somebody did the following:
theLine = new DiscreteLine(-2, 4);
theLine[-8] = 10;
The handler would call, with the arguments ("-8", undefined, 10). (What would end up happening is, is that the script would recalculate leftBound and length properties automatically (like how Arrays automatically update the length property).