



My FaceBook Page is setup so that users who have not "Liked" the page yet (and attempt to view the page) are presented with the content of a particular tab instead of the default "wall" view.

The tab that these users arrive at contains an application I made. It is a simple application that lists information about the business.

The application is using the "I Frame" render method (in the application's "Canvas" settings).

My goal is to add a FaceBook "Like Button" or "Like Box" inside my application.

The purpose of this is to write a message that encourages visitors to "Like" the FaceBook Page (not the application).

I've tried the FaceBook code generators for Like Buttons and Like Boxes, but it does not work. When I view my application in FaceBook, there is "nothing" in the location where I added the code.

Having a "Like" button inside of an application seems like something that many FaceBook page owners would want. Is there any way to accomplish this?


In order to get a Like button, go to, fill out the appropriate information and press "Get Code". This will open up a modal window with the necessary code. Copy that code into your program, and you're done.

I tried your suggestion, but "nothing" appears in my application where I pasted in the code.
I would need more information about your application, how you're writing it, where you're pasting the code, etc.

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