Hi all,
I run a small blog network and on this I have a page where I show the latest blog posts from different blogs on my server. I would like to extend this page, to also include new posts from external blogs using rss feeds.
Currently it’s easy to get the content, since it’s just a simple query selecting posts by date, but it troubles me to see how to make the most effective design when extending it.
The easiest solution would be to periodic run a cronjob that import posts from the external sites, and then save them in the database. Though this creates the possibility that the posts could be altered in content or removed by the author, leaving me to display ”invalid content”.
The best solution would be if I don’t have to save the posts, and instead just import them directly on the page. But how would this affect usability and loading time? Is it somehow possible to cache the feeds? If I should choose a combination of displaying internal and external posts using a query and importing feeds directly, how can this be combined to use ”pagination” (10 results pr. page)?
I hope someone can help me with a small proof of concept code, or describe what they believe would be the most effective way of handling this.
PS: For importing feeds I use SimplePie http://simplepie.org
Thanks in advance