




on WinXP my application has been sucessfully using a global mousehook to retrieve mouseposition and clicks even if it does not have the focus. the hook is in a separate .dll and is being initialized like this (in delphi):

SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE, @MouseHookCB, HInstance , 0);

now on Win7 this basically also works during runtime but i can no longer debug my application nicely (which i can under XP). as soon as i hit a breakpoint, Win7 freezes completely. i cannot switch to another process (even taskmanager fails to open). if i am lucky i can stop my process in the IDE. most of the times though i have to restart/logoff to regain access.

i know the problem is related to the mouse-hook as it is not present if i don't use the hook. this is even if my hookprocedure does nothing but the following:

CallNextHookEx(MouseHook, Code, wParam, lParam);

ie. simply the presence of the hook causes the troubles.

having the globalhooks.dll write something into the EventLog i see that it is still active even while i am on a breakpoint.

i tried to use a lowlevelmouse hook via WH_MOUSE_LL which basically works but gives me strange mouse-move delays while installing the hook and sometimes while resizing a window. also there is a freeze for some seconds when hitting a breakpoint but at least the system recovers after ~5 seconds... therefore this option is even worse as it also affects runtime.

any idea why the WH_MOUSE hook freezes my app during debugging in the first place?