Insert into two tables from a single form. The first insert go in fine the second generates this error Duplicate entry '0' for key 1
any idea what is happening?
$connection=mysql_connect ("localhost", "foo", "bar") or die ("I cannot connect to the database.");
$db=mysql_select_db ("database", $connection) or die (mysql_error());
$query = "INSERT INTO worklog (id, newtime, datetime, clientname, clientcode, startmo, startday, startyr, endmo, endday, endyr, duemo, dueday, dueyr, market, job, allTypes, spec, status, designer, dsgnemail, adrep, ademail, frame1, frame2, frame3, rush) VALUES ('$id', $newtime, now(), '$clientname', '$clientcode', '$startmo', '$startday', '$startyr', '$endmo', '$endday', '$endyr', '$duemo', '$dueday', '$dueyr', '$market', '$job', '$allTypes', '$spec', '$status', '$designer', '$dsgnemail', '$adrep', '$ademail', '$frame1', '$frame2', '$frame3', '$rush')";
$sql_result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die (mysql_error());
$connection2=mysql_connect ("localhost", "foo", "bar") or die ("I cannot connect to the database.");
$db2=mysql_select_db ("database", $connection2) or die (mysql_error());
$query2 = "INSERT INTO worklognotes (worklog_id, spec) VALUES ('$worklog_id', '$spec')";
$sql_result = mysql_query($query2, $connection2) or die (mysql_error());