



Suppose I have a collection in a class that I'd like to have serialized to XML:

public class DriveReport : IXmlSerializable
   public int Capacity { get; set; }
   public int FreeSpace { get; set; }
   public char DriveLetter { get; set; }

   //Assume that the appropriate IXMLSerializable methods are here, where
   //the output to the writer concatenates the DriveLetter to the Capacity
   //and FreeSpace members, creating an element such as <CFreeSpace>...</CFreeSpace>

public class Report
   public List<DriveReport> DriveReports { get; set; }

And suppose I want my XML to have the following output:


If I don't inherit from IXmlSerializable, what I end up with is an element wrapped around those properties i.e.


Is it possible to emit the previous XML without using an IXmlSerializable implementation in the Report class? And to make things perhaps a little easier, I'm only interested in the serialization, not the deserialization.