in my application I need to dynamically create a type that contains multiple properties. I am aware that in cases such as this, one has to generate an CIL for both getter and setter methods of a property by using an ILGenerator.
More by a trial and error than anything else, I've finally arrived to the following code that generates a setter method for me:
MethodBuilder setMethod = customTypeBuilder.DefineMethod(propertyName + "_set", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.HideBySig, null, new Type[] {propertyType});
ILGenerator setIlGenerator = setMethod.GetILGenerator();
setIlGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, backingField);
The code works well enough, but there is one thing I don't understand about it. Why is it necessary to call the 'Ldarg_0' instruction?
I know that it refers to the implicit first argument of the method, the "this" reference, so the actual value for the setter is stored in the second argument. I thought that it should be sufficient to call the Ldarg_1 instruction only, which would push the second argument to the stack (in the end, in the setter, I have no need of examining the "this" reference so I don't need to do anything with it), but this results in the TargetInvocationException being thrown when I attempt to set the value of the property.
Thank you!