So I have list of events that are sort of like alarms. They're defined by their start and end time (in hours and minutes), a range of days (ie 1-3 which is sunday through wed.), and a range of months (ie 1-3, january through march). The format of that data is largely unchangeable. I need to, not necessarily sort the list, but I need to find the next upcoming event based on the current time. There's just so many different ways to do this and so many different corner cases. This is my pseudo code:
now = time()
diff = []
# Start difference between now and start times
for s in schedule #assuming appending to diff
diff.minutes = s.minutes - time.minutes #
diff.hours = s.hours - time.hours
diff.days = s.days - time.days
diff.months = s.months - time.months
for d in diff
if d < 0
d = period + d
# period is the maximum period of the attribute. ie minutes is 60, hours is 24
# repeat for event end times
So now I have a list of tuples of differences in hours, minutes, days, and weeks. This tuple already takes into account if it's passed the start time, but before the end time. So let's say it's in August and the start month of the event is July and the end month is September, so diff.month == 0
Now this specific corner case is giving me trouble:
Let's say a schedule runs from 0 to 23:59 thursdays in august. And it's Friday the 27th. Running my algorithm, the difference in months would be 0 when in reality it won't run again until next august, so it should be 12. And I'm stuck. The month is the only problem I think because the month is the only attribute that directly depends on what the date of the specific month is (versus just the day). Is my algorithm OK and I can just deal with this special case? Or is there something better out there for this?
This is the data I'm working with
The schedule getAllSchedules method just returns a list to all of the schedules. I can change the schedule class but I'm not sure what difference I can make there. I can't add/change the format of the schedules I'm given