




Synopsis - a windows console application extracting data from Excel spreadsheet then find match on oracle database if a record is found then update else create a record based on Excel's data. (Written in VB.net/.Net 3.5, use open source FileHelper library to process Excel and Oracle 10 as backend)

Problem - a file with 983 records but only 99 record is processed then the windows console app will crap out. No exception or error in my log. I then run it on Visual Studio 2008 and it also crap out around 98 or 97 records. So far the problem seem to be on creating the record if no match is found on Oracle database. What I did before is processing the record one by one and open and close the connection one by one. Upon my coworker's suggestion, i switch it to open the oracle connection until everything is done in the finally block of try and catch.

I didn't get any exception or find any error on my log. (a text file) I am open to whatever advice and suggestion on how to find out what is causing this problem. I feel like it is a network connection issue but I am not sure how to go about proving it.

Can you guys suggest some ways to troubleshoot this problem?
