



I have a server-side script (PHP) returning JSON data to populate an ExtJS Grid.

This data comes from a MySQL query, containing some NULL values.

When PHP encodes it into the JSON notation, it keeps the NULL intact:


But... when this data is displayed in the ExtJS grid, it shows a "null" string in the place of the NULL value.

I don't want it to display "null". I just want it empty (an empty string).

What is the easiest way to achieve this?


+1  A: 

I'm not sure if the easiest but the first thing that comes to my mind is creating a custom renderer. You can use something like this:

function render(value){
    if(value === null){
        value = '';
    return value;
@WoLpH: You replied fast and moved me forward in the right direction... My first try was to add the following configuration to the column:renderer: function(value){ return( value === null ? '' : value ) }It would have worked IF my was grid was not a treegrid. I will post more information as another answer for this...
J. Bruni
+1  A: 

WoLpH's answer is correct. My own question was somehow "incorrect"... :-)

In fact, I am dealing with a treegrid (Ext.ux.tree.TreeGrid), not a common ExtJS grid (Ext.grid.GridPanel).

The columns of the treegrid are not of Ext.grid.Column type, as the common grid. They are of Ext.list.Column type.

This means that the renderer configuration option does not apply (it exists and works on Ext.grid.Column, but not on Ext.list.Column).

To change the rendering of a Ext.list.Column, there is the tpl configuration option available, which uses the Ext.XTemplate mechanism.

Below, I share the configuration of my treegrid column that did what I wanted:

tpl: '<tpl if="url === null"></tpl><tpl if="url !== null">{url}</tpl>'

The configuration above made my column render an empty string for NULL values, instead of a "null" string, in the treegrid!

Final note: I voted on WoLpH's answer because it is correct. My question was misleading, and I preferred not to change/edit it, but to share my own findings as another answer. I also thank him because it made me focus on the right things. Thanks.

J. Bruni
Yes, for a treegrid it's a bit different. Good to know that you found a working solution. I actually considered an answer with a `TemplateColumn` but somehow that seemed overly complex to me.
+1  A: 

Your other option would be to handle it from the back end. You would need to check in the result set for any instances of NULL and convert them to empty strings before returning it back to the client.

It Grunt
Yes, you are right. Thanks. In fact, I was almost doing this! But since I was able to find the workaround to handle this ExtJS issue in the client-side, I preferred to keep the PHP/JSON response "correct" (because NULL, in fact, is the correct value)...
J. Bruni