



Let's say I have an invoice and an invoice item. I'd like to show a list of invoices in a grid on the top and below I want to show the corresponding invoice items to the selected invoice. I have the SQL and JSON part down fine. I query the invoices, query the invoices items for all invoices returned (only 2 queries). Then I match up the items with their invoices. And finally I convert this into JSON. It would look something like this.

  "success": true,
  "results": 2,
  "rows": [
      "data": {"id": 1, "invoiceDate": "2010-01-01", "total": "101.00" },
      "invoiceItems": [
        {"id": 11, "invoiceID": 1, "item": "baseball", "subtotal": "50.00" },
        {"id": 12, "invoiceID": 1, "item": "bat", "subtotal": "51.00" }
      "data": {"id": 2, "invoiceDate": "2010-02-02", "total": "102.00" },
      "invoiceItems": [
        {"id": 21, "invoiceID": 2, "item": "hat", "subtotal": "52.00" },
        {"id": 22, "invoiceID": 2, "item": "baseball", "subtotal": "50.00" }

So when I select invoice 1 in the top grid, I want to see items 11 and 12 displayed in the botton grid. And then show 21 and 22 when invoice 2 is selected. I'd like to NOT have to return to the server every time I toggle between invoices.

And then finally, I'd love to be able to track which ones have changes so that I can send data back to be persisted.

How is this all possible using Ext JS? I've yet to see a working master detail example using Ext JS.

+1  A: 

This is certainly possible with ExtJS and I suggest ExtJS provides tools to help.

However, you might be encountering trouble if you are trying to use a single store to contain your JSON records. I recall reading (I searched for a reference, but was unable to find it) you should think of a store as a single database table rather than trying to store parent/child information in one store.

So, I humbly suggest you store your invoices in one store and your invoice items in a second store, link the child invoice items to the parent invoice via some reference (invoice ID), and use these two stores to support two different grids (or whatever widget) - one for invoices and a second for invoice items. When a user clicks on an invoice, your listener (event handler) would update the invoice items grid/widget appropriately.

This would be my approach.

Upper Stage
I agree. I think the Ext guys are working on enhancing the store stuff to add hierarchical support, but at this point it doesn't really do that.

This is certainly possible however you aren't really mapping the sub-objects rather than just expecting them to be there...

Consider this test case (stick it into FireBug and you should see the results..)

var store = new{
    data: {
success: true, result: [
test: {prop1: 1, prop2: 2}
    root: 'result',
    fields: ['test']

console.log(store.getRange()[0].data.test.prop1); // prints "1"

In your instance you would do something like this in your row select event...

//assume "this" = your panel containing your Grid (at position 0) and another Grid (at position 1)
var selectedRowRecord = this.get(0).getSelectionModel().getSelected();

var invoiceItemsStore = this.get(1).getStore();

Hope this helps. Stuart


in that case, you need two readers as code below:

var reader2 = new{
    root: 'invoiceItems',
    fields: [{name: 'id', type:'int'},
             {name: 'invoiceID', type:'int'},
             {name: 'item', type:'string'},
             {name: 'subtotal': type:'float'}]
var reader = new{
    idProperty: 'id',
    totalProperty: 'results',
    successProperty: "success",
    root: 'rows',
    fields: [
        {name: 'id', type:'int'},
        {name: 'invoiceDate', type:'date'},
        {name: 'total', type:'float'},
        {name: 'invoiceItems', convert: function(v, n){ return reader2.readRecords(n).records;} }//v: value, n: data;

var conn = new{
    timeout : 120000,
    url: 'address-path-to-get-json-data',
    method : 'POST'
var dproxy = new;

var gstore = new{
    proxy: dproxy,
    reader: reader,
    sortInfo:{field: 'id', direction: "DESC"}

and here is code you need to render the grid

var numrender = function(value, cell, rec, rowIndex, colIndex, store){
        return Ext.util.Format.number( value, '0,000.00');
    }else return '-';
var invoicedetail = function(value, cell, rec, rowIndex, colIndex, store) {
    var html = '<div class="itemdetail">{0} - {1} - {2} - {3}</div>';
    var re = '';
        re += String.format(html,item.get('id'),item.get('invoiceID'),item.get('item'),item.get('subtotal'));
    return re;
var cm = [
    new Ext.grid.RowNumberer({header:"No.", width: 30}),
    {header: "ID", align: 'left',sortable:true, width: 40, dataIndex: 'id'},
    {header: "Invoice Date", align: 'left',sortable:true, width: 40, dataIndex: 'invoiceDate'},
    {header: "Total", align: 'right', width: 30, dataIndex: 'total', renderer: numrender},
    {header: "Invoice Items", align: 'left',sortable:false, id:'col_detail', width: 100, dataIndex: 'invoiceItems', renderer: invoicedetail}

var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
    store: gstore,
    columns: cm,
    enableHdMenu: false,
    loadMask: {msg:'Loading Invoices ...'},
    stripeRows: true,
    viewConfig: { autoFill: true },
    columnLines : true,
    autoExpandColumn: 'col_detail',

or you might be interested in looking at this treegrid:
