Let's say I have an invoice and an invoice item. I'd like to show a list of invoices in a grid on the top and below I want to show the corresponding invoice items to the selected invoice. I have the SQL and JSON part down fine. I query the invoices, query the invoices items for all invoices returned (only 2 queries). Then I match up the items with their invoices. And finally I convert this into JSON. It would look something like this.
"success": true,
"results": 2,
"rows": [
"data": {"id": 1, "invoiceDate": "2010-01-01", "total": "101.00" },
"invoiceItems": [
{"id": 11, "invoiceID": 1, "item": "baseball", "subtotal": "50.00" },
{"id": 12, "invoiceID": 1, "item": "bat", "subtotal": "51.00" }
"data": {"id": 2, "invoiceDate": "2010-02-02", "total": "102.00" },
"invoiceItems": [
{"id": 21, "invoiceID": 2, "item": "hat", "subtotal": "52.00" },
{"id": 22, "invoiceID": 2, "item": "baseball", "subtotal": "50.00" }
So when I select invoice 1 in the top grid, I want to see items 11 and 12 displayed in the botton grid. And then show 21 and 22 when invoice 2 is selected. I'd like to NOT have to return to the server every time I toggle between invoices.
And then finally, I'd love to be able to track which ones have changes so that I can send data back to be persisted.
How is this all possible using Ext JS? I've yet to see a working master detail example using Ext JS.