I builded Sqlite database in android application. First i builded main_category table in Sqlite Manager.And then i export that file to my application's raw folder. My Export file is .sql file. That it is here.
CREATE TABLE "main_category" ("_id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL ,"main_image" TEXT,"word_audio_file" TEXT,"char_audio_file" TEXT,"hash_record" BOOL NOT NULL ,"record" TEXT, "menu" TEXT);
INSERT INTO "main_category" VALUES(1,'g_a.png','g_a.mp3','g_a_01.mp3','false',NULL,NULL);
So I read from my application using FileInputStream. Code is here,
InputStream in= new InputStream() {
public int read() throws IOException {
File sqlfile1 = new File("C://CellCity//workspace//GokiriKidApp//res//raw//main_category.sql");
return 0;
try {
InputStreamReader isr=new InputStreamReader(in);
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(isr);
SQL_MAIN_CATEGORY= br.readLine();
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.i("onCreate", "Database Creation");
String categoryTString=SQL_MAIN_CATEGORY;
So When i run my code i got error: OutOfMemoryError and lock database in command line(adb shell)