



Hello, I'm trying to create a Workflow that need to access a few WCF services.
Everytime that I try to add a specific WF In receive de following error :

Error 1 Unable to resolve the type '' referenced by Property 'GetParameterSetResult'. Ensure that the type name is correct or that the Assembly containing the type is loaded. C:\dev\Sources\MyOwnSandbox\DeclarativeServiceLibrary4\DeclarativeServiceLibrary4\Service References\ServiceReference2\DeclarativeServiceLibrary4.ServiceReference2.IConfigurationManager.GetParameterSet.xaml DeclarativeServiceLibrary4

The target service is composed of two functions, one returning a string and one returning a dictionnary (Of String, CustomObject). Seems it's the second that cause the error.

Does anyone here an idea on how to solve this ?
Thanks in advance