I have implemented analytics system which is now performing very poorly. To explain it I need to explain table structure queries
I have two innodb tables
Table1: Contains records about hourly stats (stats_id, file_id, time) Table2: Contains over 8 million rows.
Table 2 structure is
full_stats (
stats_id Int
file_id Int
stats_week Int
stats_month Int
stats_year Int
stats_time DATETIME
What I am trying to do is to calculate the total views from hourly_stats for a given period of time and grouping records by file_id and then I add/update records to full_stats table. On avg it takes 1-2 mins to process one row. I am trying to optimize the queries for better performance.
Here is what I am doing
There are 60% chances that file_id already exists in full_stats for a given week, month and year and 40% chances are that it doesn't exist.
so in the first query I try to update record using following the query
UPDATE full_stats
SET total_views=XXX
WHERE stats_week=XX stats_month=X
AND stats_year=YYYY
after that I check if affected rows is zero then I insert the record. Once insert or update is done then the record from hourly_stats is removed based on file_id and the given period of time.
Can you give me any suggestion how to optimize queries and reduce the lock rate?