I have separate db_table classes for books, book_sections and users (system end users). in book table has columns for book_title, section_id(book_section) , data_entered_user_id(who entered book info).
go to this url to see the image(I'm not allow to post images bacause I'm new to stackoverflow) img685.imageshack.us/img685/9978/70932283.png
in the backend of the system I added a form to edit existing book (get book id from GET param and fill the relevant data to the form). form has elements for book_title, book_section and data_entered_user.
to get exciting book data to "edit book form" I join book_section and user tables with book table to get book_section_name and username(of data_entered_user: read only- display on side bar)
go to this url to see the image(I'm not allow to post images bacause I'm new to stackoverflow) img155.imageshack.us/img155/2947/66239915.jpg
In class App_Model_Book extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
public function getBookData($id){
$select = $this->select();
$select->from('book', array('id','section_id','data_entered_user_id',...));
$select->joinInner('section','book.section_id = section.id',array('section_name' =>'section.name' ));
$select->joinInner(array('date_entered_user' => 'user'),'book.date_entered_user_id = date_entered_user.id',array('date_entered_user_name' =>'date_entered_user.user_name' ));
$select->where("book.id = ?",$id);
return $this->fetchRow($select);
public function updateBookData($id,$title,$section_id,...)
$existingRow = $this->fetchRow($this->select()->where('id=?',$id));
$existingRow->title = $title;
$existingRow->section_id = $section_id;
In Admin_BookController -> editAction()
$editForm = new Admin_Form_EditBook();
$id = $this->_getParam('id', false);
$bookTable = new App_Model_Book();
$book_data = $bookTable ->getBookData($id);
//set values on form to print on form when edit book
//If form data valid
if($this->getRequest()->isPost() && $editForm->isValid($_POST)){
$bookTable = new App_Model_Book();
$bookTable ->updateBookData(
//get data from submitted form
when editing an exsiting book
- get data from getBookData() method on App_Model_Book class
- If form data is valid after submiting edited data, save data with updateBookData() method on App_Model_Book class
but I saw that if I created a custom Db_Table_Row(extends Zend_Db_Table_Row) class for book table with book_section_name and data_entered_user_name I can use it for get existing book data and save it after editing book data without creating new Book(db_table) class and without calling updateBookData() to save updated data.But I don't know which code I should write on custom Db_Table_Row(extends Zend_Db_Table_Row) class.
I think you can understand my problem, in simple
how to write a custom db_table_row class to create a custom row with data form 2 joined tables for a perticular db_table class ?
I'm new to zend framewok and to stackoverflow. forgive me if you confused with my first question.
Thanks again.