



Instead of using an animated gif, I would like to instead have text in a span:

  1. Waiting
  2. Waiting.
  3. Waiting..
  4. Waiting...

I would like to loop through each and then return to the first in an infinite loop. I would also like to control the interval to speed up or slow it down. I'd like to have my HTML to be:

<p>Waiting<span id="dots"></span></p>

And simply cycle the span innerHTML. Thanks!


I can't find a solution in vanilla javascript but here is the one made in jQuery:

See the demo here.

Great find, Sarfaz! I'm not utilizing jQuery on this specific project - but I'm bookmarking that!
Douglas Karr

dots = document.getElementById('dots'); will get the DOM element you want to put dots in, and the innerHTML attribute of that element will let you manipulate the content inside it.

As for changing the content of the span on a specific interval, have a look at setInterval() and setTimeout(). You'll have to pick the one that best suits your needs.

I'm not going to post an actual solution since you haven't really showed any effort on this one, but this should point you in the right direction.

Carson Myers
Thanks Carson! You'll see more effort as I continue to dive into the community - I promise.
Douglas Karr

This would probably set you in the right direction. I think the code should explain itself.

function iterateDots(){
    var el = document.getElementById("dots");
    var dotsStr = el.innerHTML;
    var dotsLen = dotsStr.length;

    var maxDots = 3;
    el.innerHTML = (dotsLen < maxDots ? dotsStr + '.' : '');

function startLoading(){
    var intervalMs = 300;

    var interval = setInterval("iterateDots()", intervalMs);
Julian Wyngaard
That nailed it! Thanks Julian!
Douglas Karr
Awesome. Feel free to vote it up ;)
Julian Wyngaard