There are two basic ways to think about business rules when designing your domain.
1.) The domain entities are basic POCO/DTOs. And you hand them off to domain services. These services could be as simple as another class, or they really could be actual services sitting on another server.
var user = repository.Find(x => x.UserName == userName);
if (userLogonService.IsValidUser(user, password)) {
2.) The domain entities contain their own operation logic. This is closer to what many MVC patterns will follow. And since you asked, this is the model that I prefer.
var user = repository.Find(x => x.UserName == userName);
if (user.CheckPassword(password)) {
Both are completely valid patterns. #2 has a discrete business operation tier, but suffers from an Anemic Domain Model. #1 can lead to big domain entities if you domain starts to become complicated, or if a model can do a lot of things.
EDIT #1: Response to John Kraft
Oven.Bake(myPizza) vs. myPizza.Bake()
I mostly agree. Do you have a single Oven service, or do you have dozens of available ovens stored in an oven repository where oven is just another domain entity? In #2, the oven is part of the domain. The way I tend to do domain modeling, most nouns are domain entities, unless you are 100% sure that there is exactly one of the thing.
But something does happen to pizza when it is baked.
interface ICanBeBaked {
int BakeMinutes { get; }
int BakeTemp { get; }
void Bake();
class Pizza : ICanBeBaked {
int BakeMinutes { get { return 15; } }
int BakeTemp { get { return 425; } }
void Bake() {
// melt cheese!
this.isBaked = true;
class Oven {
void Bake(ICanBeBaked thingToBake) {
// set the temp, reserve this oven for the duration, etc.