




Hello moi capitans,

I have been days reading about web server configuration and the more i read, the more confounded i become. I cant pull the trigger on any one deployment so i guess i need to adk for help before i move to the next step.

For my first year of school i am taking my server and installing on campus to run a social site/ video chat / event site. I have permission and the school has beastly bandwidth. The only stipulation was that it be ready to deploy and require no work by the lady who runs the IT. The site has calender/IM/Video Recording/video messaging/video link/ profiles_forum and a chat room. I plan on using red5 server as well.

Will this site need apache or do you think it will run lighttpd? This is where i am confused. Lighttpd is no good for media? I just want to make sure i make the most of my resources. The machine it will be on is relatively new. Linux Ubuntu with Phenomx4 and 8 gig of ram plus WD drives.