I like the Visitor approach above. However just for the fun of it I show a bit on how to reduce redundancy in code using T4 in VS2008 and VS2010.
The redundancy comes from that for each message you need a Visit method. Also each method needs a simple but redundant implementation of Accept. One way to get closer to "Do not repeat yourself" is generating the code using T4.
In order to test the following sample add a class in VS but change the extension from .cs to .tt. You will now get two files a .tt file and a .cs file connected to the .tt file.
The .tt file is a template that generates .cs file. At the time they are identical.
Use this as the content for the .tt file:
<#@ template language="C#" #>
// On VS2008 change C# above to C#v3.5
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Here we declare our different message types
var messageTypes = new []
// -----------------------------------------------------
namespace MessageProcessor
partial interface IMessageVisitor
// Let's generate all message visitor methods
foreach (var messageType in messageTypes)
void Visit (<#=messageType#>Message message);
abstract partial class Message
public abstract void Accept (IMessageVisitor visitor);
// Let's generate all message types
foreach (var messageType in messageTypes)
sealed partial class <#=messageType#>Message : Message
public override void Accept (IMessageVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
This should generate a CS file that looks like this:
namespace MessageProcessor
partial interface IMessageVisitor
void Visit (SimpleMessage message);
void Visit (ComplexMessage message);
void Visit (OtherMessage message);
abstract partial class Message
public abstract void Accept (IMessageVisitor visitor);
sealed partial class SimpleMessage : Message
public override void Accept (IMessageVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
sealed partial class ComplexMessage : Message
public override void Accept (IMessageVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
sealed partial class OtherMessage : Message
public override void Accept (IMessageVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
Why is this less redudant? Because now whenever I like to add a new meessage I just add it to the template:
var messageTypes = new []
It's important to note that all messages are generated as partial because we need different payloads for a message. This is specified in another file and it could look like this:
partial class SimpleMessage
public string Name;
partial class ComplexMessage
public XmlDocument Xml;
For those that likes the sound of T4 check this blog: http://www.olegsych.com/2008/09/t4-tutorial-creatating-your-first-code-generator/